The women of Milan’s Cathedral

By Ugo Rossi – translation by Jack Davidson Walmsley

Building a Cathedral is no easy task; If we talk about the Duomo of Milan then our thoughts run backwards and evoke moments and situations that for us are not even imaginable.
Today I will tell you the story of two women very different from one another, that most certainly aroused a lot of curiosity at the time.

The Milan's Cathedral - The Duomo -in the heart of the city Milan. Photo by EnjoyItalyGo before COVID19 sanitary emergency.
Milan’s cathedral. Photo by EnjoyItalyGo (before COVID19)

The first story is about Caterina di Abbiateguazzone, a very poor old woman, who offered her services by cleaning and transporting stones from the construction site.
One day she decided to make a donation towards the construction of the Cathedral, selling the only fur she owned.
When the clergy found out about this, they were so moved that they decided to give her back the money,  she then decided to fulfil a dream of hers: a pilgrimage to Rome.

The Madonnina- this golden statue is located on the topo of the Milan's cathedral roof and looks all over the city. This photo by EnjoyItalyGo, has been done at EXPO Milan 2015.
The Madonnina- this golden statue is located on the topo of the Milan’s cathedral roof and looks all over the city. This photo by EnjoyItalyGo, has been done at EXPO Milan 2015.

The second story is about a Prostitute turned into a Good Samaritan, Marta de Codevachi also known as “Donona”.
Originally from the Veneto Region, Donona moved to Milan in search of a better life,  she became quite rich by selling her services to the local men, so much so that, thanks to her activity, she ended up buying several properties in the city that allowed her to live at ease.

But at a certain point in her life something changed leading her to fully commit herself to the poor and needy.
She became a charitable woman and adopted Venturina, a little girl who got abandoned because her parents couldn’t afford to raise her.

The Donona’ statue which you can find on the wall of the Milan’s Cathedral.

In early 1394 Donona fell ill and immediately focused her thoughts towards the Virgin Mary and the Cathedral.
Promptly calling a notary and writing her will in which she allocated all her assets towards the construction of the Duomo, but on condition that the officials took care of her fostered daughter Venturina;
She also requested for a good and suitable husband to be found for her friend Margherita whom she used to work with at the brothel, furthermore leaving her a huge dowry to enable a fresh start to life based on chastity and honesty.

Once Marta had died, an impressive funeral was arranged with a large presence of clerics and priests who escorted her coffin down the streets of a crowded city.
 Feeling up for a challenge?
When you pass through Milan, approach the Duomo and look at the various statues. Among them, if you look carefully you will find her: Marta de Codevachi.
Let us know once you have found her and send us an email with your findings at so we will have it published on our social media pages!

Jack Davidson Walmsley cooperate with EnjoyItalyGo traslating papers from Italian to English

Jack Davidson Walmsley

Jack, sangue Britannico ma Italiano nel cuore.

Appassionato di Rugby, Cibo, Natura e Mixology (Gin in particolare).

Membro aspirante delle Chiavi d’oro attualmente in forza al Park Hyatt Milano come Portiere Notturno, realta’ indiscussa dell´ospitalita´ Milanese.

Il Lockdown per me e´stato un duro colpo, ma non vedo l’ora di rimettermi in gioco!

A new edition of BookCity Milano has just begun and the organizers have stated that all of the events will be available online, for free and in streaming

Marianna Vazzana, journalist, writes simple words, poems and quotes on the golden leaves she has found in Milan’s parks.

Cassano Valcuvia is close to Lake Maggiore and is surrounded by mountains; you could taste the mixed fried lake food which is to die for!

Silvia Sperandio
Silvia Sperandio
Editore e fondatore di, ha una vasta esperienza nel raccontare storie coinvolgenti e nell'informare il pubblico su temi di interesse culturale e turistico. Giornalista pubblicista iscritta all'Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti con tessera nr. 186721  Consulente: Grazie alla sua esperienza nel settore dell'ospitalità, del food & beverage e della comunicazione, offre consulenza strategica per ottimizzare attività operative e migliorare la presenza sul mercato di riferiemento. Project Manager specializzata nella gestione operativa di reti d'impresa nel settore turistico, aiuta le aziende a collaborare in modo efficace per massimizzare le opportunità di business. Analizza le procedure alla ricerca di vulnerabilità operative, trasformandole in soluzioni che, una volta testate e convalidate, diventano parte integrante del manuale operativo. Inoltre, progetta e facilita i processi di ambiente aziendale interculturale. Formatore professionale: eroga corsi di formazione professionale su comunicazione, accoglienza, leadership, ospitalità e food & beverage, sia per aziende che per enti pubblici e privati. Il suo approccio alla formazione si basa sull'acquisizione di competenze pratiche e sulla creazione di un ambiente di apprendimento stimolante e coinvolgente. I corsi possono avere una certificazione regionale se preventivamente richiesta e per le aziende c'è la possibilità di accedervi tramite formazione finanziata.

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