Best practice in hotel welcoming

Welcoming and greeting, regardless of the classification of your hotel, is an integral part of creating an excellent guest experience. Giving the hotel staff the right tools and resources is crucial if you want to make every guest feel valued and appreciated from check-in onwards. Is there a way you can get the best out of your hotel staff? The answer is -yes, there is-.

Train your hotel staff appropriately, have the right attitude and knowing the rules of communication makes the difference resulting in a higher degree of satisfaction of hotel guests, higher quality of the services delivered, secure customer loyalty and consequently greater profits.

The right attitude in hotel welcoming

In a customer-orinted enviroment it is essential to create a welcoming atmosphere, you are there to care about your guest. Greet guests with a smile, be enthusiastic and friendly, and make everyone feel like taken into consideration is the right key for success.
We can all communicate, we have been doing it since we were born but being aware of how we are doing it makes the difference between success and failure in hotel welcoming. There are some simple roles you can follow to create the right attitude and the best communication in hotel, here some advice:
  • Dress to impress:Dress to make a statement, to leave a lasting impression on the guest/collegue because the uniform gives you an identity.
  • Establish eye contact: People who look others in the eye are perceived as friendly and welcoming both in personal and professional relationships. People will be more likely to remember your face and to remember what you said long after the conversation has ended.
  • Use the triangle technique. Rather than looking away or looking down (as this shows a lack of confidence), you can also look at another spot on their face. Imagine an inverted triangle connecting their eyes and mouth. Every five seconds, rotate which point of the triangle you are looking at.
  • Look near the eyes. If looking someone directly in the eyes is too stressful, instead look at a spot on their nose, mouth, or chin.
  • •Employing these two strategies to improve your eye contact will make your listeners feel more connected to you and increase the likelihood that you will feel more comfortable when speaking—either to a group or to an individual.
  • A smile goes a long way.
  • Greet.
  • Ask questions that can give you positive feedback, useful for building the right message to send to your guest.
  • Listen actively means that you are focused on the person you are speaking with. Carl Rogers argues for active listening with two valid reflections: the first claims that a positive attitude is generated; the second follows the first and supports it by arguing that active listening accompanies and welcomes.
  • Be polite.
  • Give your guest the right amount of time even if you are very busy.
  • Make your customer feel that they are considered.
  • Provide information clearly and simply.
  • Provide accurate wait times.

Welcoming and greetings in hotel example sentences

  • Good [morning/afternoon/evening], welcome to [Hotel Name]. How may I assist you?
  • Good [morning/afternoon/evening] Mr./Ms. [guest name], welcome to [Hotel Name]. How may I assist you today?
  • Good [morning/afternoon/evening], welcome to [Hotel Name]. It’s our pleasure to have you with us. May I please have your name and reservation details?
  • Good [morning/afternoon/evening], welcome back to [Hotel Name] Mr./Ms. [guest name]
  • Good [morning/afternoon/evening] Mr./Ms. [guest name], It is fine to see you again at [Hotel Name]

Create positive memories in hotel

Memories have various forms and functions such as sensory perceptions, I am talking about images, sounds, heat, smells, flavors. The scent of freshly baked biscuits, a song as well as the friendly atmosphere of the hotel welcome, can create beautiful memories that your guest will keep in his memory forever and every time he listens to that same song or smells the scent of freshly baked biscuits , will bring to mind the good moments spent in the hotel.

Involving the emotional state of the guest in the hotel becomes essential to create memories and to lay the right foundations for excellent hospitality service.

Silvia Sperandio
Silvia Sperandio
Editore e fondatore di, ha una vasta esperienza nel raccontare storie coinvolgenti e nell'informare il pubblico su temi di interesse culturale e turistico. Giornalista pubblicista iscritta all'Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti con tessera nr. 186721  Consulente: Grazie alla sua esperienza nel settore dell'ospitalità, del food & beverage e della comunicazione, offre consulenza strategica per ottimizzare attività operative e migliorare la presenza sul mercato di riferiemento. Project Manager specializzata nella gestione operativa di reti d'impresa nel settore turistico, aiuta le aziende a collaborare in modo efficace per massimizzare le opportunità di business. Analizza le procedure alla ricerca di vulnerabilità operative, trasformandole in soluzioni che, una volta testate e convalidate, diventano parte integrante del manuale operativo. Inoltre, progetta e facilita i processi di ambiente aziendale interculturale. Formatore professionale: eroga corsi di formazione professionale su comunicazione, accoglienza, leadership, ospitalità e food & beverage, sia per aziende che per enti pubblici e privati. Il suo approccio alla formazione si basa sull'acquisizione di competenze pratiche e sulla creazione di un ambiente di apprendimento stimolante e coinvolgente. I corsi possono avere una certificazione regionale se preventivamente richiesta e per le aziende c'è la possibilità di accedervi tramite formazione finanziata.

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