By Ugo Rossi
Translation by Jack Davidson Walmsley
Having observed the streets, lanes and alleys of Milan, we will now focus on another part of the city, analysing some very fascinating data with our audience.
How many parks are there in Milan? And which are the biggest?
According to the Municipality’s “Green Heritage” department, there are about a hundred parks and gardens scattered throughout the city, with Parco Lambro dominating the scene with its 773,000 m2, followed at a considerable distance by Parco Sempione (386,000 m2), and Parco Montestella (311,200 m2).
Last but not least , we find the Montanelli Gardens (172,000 m2) and finally, Villa Scheibler Park(148,000 m2).

Work is also nearing completion on the expansion of the City Life Park, which once completed will increase the area to 173,000 m2, making it the fourth largest green area in the city. Parco Nord also has an interesting situation: its capillarity is due to the fact that it covers the territory of six municipalities (Milan, Sesto San Giovanni, Cinisello Balsamo, Bresso, Cormano and Cusano Milanino) and measures 640 hectares.
The overall surface area of greenery is 25,034,985 m2, of which 501,485 m2 are equipped with play areas for your children.

Looking through the data, there is a very interesting one concerning trees. Do you know how many there are in the city? Well, there are 501,252 trees in the municipality, less than half of which are paid for by the municipality (246,683). The most frequent specimens? Maples, plane trees, lime trees and hackberry trees.
You can discover more interesting facts next Sunday on the pages of enjoyitalygo.

Jack Walmsley, British blood but Italian in his heart. Passionate about Rugby, Food, Nature and Mixology (Gin in particular). Aspiring member of the Golden Keys currently in force at the Park Hyatt Milan as Night Goalkeeper, the undisputed reality of Milanese hospitality. The Lockdown was a hard blow for me, but I can't wait to get back in the game!
Jack Walmsley, sangue Britannico ma Italiano nel cuore. Appassionato di Rugby, Cibo, Natura e Mixology (Gin in particolare). Membro aspirante delle Chiavi d’oro attualmente in forza al Park Hyatt Milano come Portiere Notturno, realta’ indiscussa dell´ospitalita´ Milanese. Il Lockdown per me e´stato un duro colpo, ma non vedo l’ora di rimettermi in gioco! Traduco i testi in inglese per EnjoyItalyGo. Linkedin